Ginger is an exotic plant that grows in climates far warmer than we have here in Wisconsin. The good news is that we can grow it in containers either permanently indoors, or outdoors in full sun in summer and moved inside for the winter when night temperatures drop below 50° F.
The part the ginger plant that is eaten are the underground rhizomes, knobby root-like structures. You may be able to grow ginger from rhizomes purchased at the grocery store, but they are sometimes treated with anti-sprouting agents, so the best bet is to purchase organic rhizomes which are not treated. Easier yet, since the rhizomes do take quite a long time to sprout, is to purchase already growing plants from a nursery.
Choose a large pot because the plants produce long strappy leaves up to three feet tall. A deep 14-inch wide pot can comfortably support three ginger plants. Use a loose, rich, well-drained potting soil. Indoors, place the container in a warm room where the plant can receive indirect sunlight. Outdoors, morning sun is necessary, but on the hottest days afternoon shade is appreciated.
If you do choose to purchase rhizomes, look for plump pieces with many nubby buds. The rhizomes can be cut to make more than one plant as long as each piece has at least two buds. Let the sliced pieces dry out for a day, then soak them in warm water overnight before planting an inch or two deep with the buds pointing upward in the pot. Water lightly until you see growth. Once leaves develop, keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. During the growing season, fertilize every six to eight weeks using an organic fertilizer.
When the days get shorter and cooler, the plants will go dormant, losing all their leaves. This is harvest time. Dig or pull up the rhizomes and use them fresh, dried, ground or preserved in vinegar or a sugary syrup. Save some for replanting next year by placing them in paper bags in a cool, dry place. Or overwinter them in the container in which they were growing in a warm, bright spot. Growth will resume in spring. Do not water the plants while they are dormant.
Ideally you would plant the rhizomes early in the year, about 8-10 months before the first fall frost, so they have time to develop fully before they go dormant. If you haven’t allowed that much time, there is nothing wrong with harvesting younger rhizomes. If you need fresh ginger anytime during the growing season, you can dig up part of a rhizome to use as baby ginger. Protect the plant from hot sun and wind for a few days after the early harvest.
You can plant pre-sprouted rhizomes outdoors in the ground. A generous helping of compost every couple months will help them grow large. Mulching around, but not touching, the crown of the plants will make for a better crop
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