Tag: Native Plants

Sagittaria latifolia a/k/a Duck Potato

Sagittaria latifolia is a native aquatic species found in Wisconsin, and in fact, throughout the United States except for Nevada and Alaska. Throughout its range, it is called by many names including the following: Arrowleaf, Broadleaf Arrowhead, Duck Potato, Indian Potato, Katniss, Swan Potato, Swamp Potato, Tule-Potato, Wapato, Wapatoo, Wappato and Wapati.  I will refer [Continue]

Bee Balm Finds a Home in any Mid-Summer Landscape

Bee balm is a pretty perennial lavender-colored flower native to Wisconsin prairies.  It goes by a few other names including monarda, wild bergamot and Oswego tea.  The Latin name is Monarda fistulosa.  Another native bee balm, Monarda didyma boasts bright scarlet flowers. Lavender bee balm flowers are about three inches across while the scarlet ones [Continue]