Tag: Herbs


        Every year I plant something new that I’ve never grown before.  This year, it is an herb called fenugreek.          Fenugreek does triple duty – it is both a culinary and medicinal herb, and as a nitrogen-fixer, it improves the soil as well.          It is thought that fenugreek was first cultivated in the [Continue]

Parsley is 2021 Herb of the Year

      The International Herb Association has chosen parsley for its 2021 Herb of the Year.  Now wait . . . don’t throw this article aside like you might toss aside the parsley served by a restaurant along with your entrée.  That restaurant parsley had likely been stored, shipped a long distance, and stored again before [Continue]

Grow Garden Herbs for Sanitizing Surfaces

Our homes, businesses and hands are probably more germ-free than ever before, and we’ve been buying all manner of chemical cleaners and sanitizers to make them that way.  Did you know that there are many herbs with antiseptic properties that you can easily grow in your own garden?  Here are just four of them, all [Continue]

Anise Hyssop Chosen Herb of the Year

        The International Herb Association has chosen anise hyssop – Agastache foeniculum – as 2019 Herb of the Year.          Anise hyssop is a wildflower native to the Upper Midwest and Great Plains with tiny, tightly whorled flowers on 3-6 inch spikes.  Flower color varies from pale blue to lavender to dusky dull indigo to [Continue]

Growing Ginger in Wisconsin

Ginger is an exotic plant that grows in climates far warmer than we have here in Wisconsin.  The good news is that we can grow it in containers either permanently indoors, or outdoors in full sun in summer and moved inside for the winter when night temperatures drop below 50° F. The part the ginger [Continue]